The decision to make

Ciao everyone!

It has been ages, yet again, or not ages directly but you get the point. I have lost count of all the times I have tried to revive this blog. For the past few days, I have considered just making it a request, since what is the point of paying for something that will forever remain unused?

Here I go, I want to try, yet again to “use it” yet I have quite a calm decision on making this page as static as it is. The About Me page will remain unchanged, probably throw in some updates sporadically, and the gallery will be worked on to feature some images, last time I worked on it I only laid the groundwork before quitting, how lazy of me. The Instagram section of this page will keep doing its job by just updating whenever I update my Instagram images, I like how it works easily like that.

The blog

Now for the elephant in the room, the blog, the dreaded blog. The place where I once imagined writing and posting stuff easily every day. Did not happen, not even close to that vision. Honestly, as I write today it has already passed two months since my last update, and to that matter itself, I have nothing else to say than mi dispiace (I am sorry).

Here I am once again, with renewed hope glory and every other shitty positive word I can recall, I will try to post more from the first of August. I have the highest hopes of that becoming reality. The first part will be a summary of the past few months. If such a thing is possible to do.

Allora, that was all for now, let’s see if I can manage more updates from now on!