A Sunday coffee break


February came, and it all went by in a blink, contrary to January. Now March is here and I am enjoying a coffee and some yoghurt mix at one of my favourite bars here in Oslo. Roastworks!

Since March is here, it is about time to start my countdown, the 1st of April, when we open more frequent routes to Italia, and my long awaited vacation is soon to begin. You see, I have planned this unplanned vacation to Italia in April, this time more than just a few days. But that is as far as my plan goes, for now I only have one decision: to visit Sicilia during the whole trip. Knowing myself, I will not stay in one place for the entire trip, I will take the train around, and God knows what places I will see.

You see, planning never was a skill of mine, I just happen to go with the wind for most of the time, I like the unplanned ways. Also, this will be another chance to improve my language, since I am such a bad student, maybe going to some places where I will be forced to use it will help. Either that, or I will get stuck in some situation, who knows, my road towards fluency is long. I won’t give up!

Even though I just learned today that the Italian word for problem, problema, even though it ends with an a, it is still masculine. Stuff like this always keeps me guessing, and I am starting to understand why people tell me that even native Italians sometimes struggle to use the language correctly. The most beautiful language in the world ( my opinion) is also quite difficult, in some ways.

I was considering this, since I have not posted here in a while, maybe I should start doing some topics. Making this a habit or something that can stick. I know, this has been said countless times before, by me. I just need to figure out a way to make this work, for now, it has remained a dormant page which looks kind of nice on the outside but barely has any content to it. I already notice how the caffeine has got to my head, this post has no clear structure and it is kind of everywhere at this moment. On the other hand, or maybe that’s just me, I was made like this. That’s self-reflection right there!

Allora, maybe this is just the best way to do it, let the words flow freely, pure and without sense. Speaking of something that also does not make any sense at this moment, the world. With the current events regarding Trump, Ukraine, Europe and all of that. It feels like living in a soap opera, I imagine aliens watching us and having a blast of all the weird stuff that is currently going on here. Hopefully we will manage to attain some form of peace, although at this point it seems like wishful thinking. One would think it should not be this hard to be nice to each other, to cooperate, and exist together.

A long post, I noticed, maybe an AI can make a good summary of it, let’s put it to the test!

Ci vediamo!

– Owlando –