The start of Bloganuary and my blog 3.0!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!

Before I begin this blogpost, I want you all to know that this is revision 3.0 of my ongoing blog-project. And due to that very reason, I decided to switch back to English for a while again. Both because I feel the English language is better at expression, and also because I need to practice my English writing skills more. As per usual, I am quoting the Hello world text that is classic for all new WordPress blogs. This is because, this sort of is my new WordPress blog.

All the other blogposts are now archived, and set as unpublished, just in order for me to make this manageable, I may republish them at a later point. Now let’s get to the blogging part!

What is something you want to achieve this year?

First of all, welcome to everyone, and happy new year! The year 2023 has just begun and I want to start it with this first blog post. You can see it as some kind of “Hello world” start entry since I decided to put all the previous blog posts into a category named Archive. Some form of re-branding. Allora.

You might question the change of language, and of course, I will explain that shortly. The whole reason is Bloganuary, which is a yearly thing that WordPress does to motivate more blogging. I totally need that, so I decided to follow it. This is an English thing, so I decided to just switch just for this occasion, also it’s a good way to practise my English. The way it works is that every day you get a topic or a question to write a blog post about. So here goes, the year’s first question as stated above.

This is what we in Norwegian would call “Nyttårsforsett”, the same phenomenon as everywhere else in the world. The start of a new year, where we make plans for improvements in our lives, whether it be externally related such as jobs, relationships and such, or internal personal growth goals. We all do it, and most of us fail, but a fair percentage of us actually manage to make a life-changing habit.

What I want to achieve for this new year, the year 2023 is the following:

Travel more
Getting better at playing the piano
Personal development

What all these things have in common this year contrary to other years is that they are only sub-goals for this year, my main goal for this year is to actually commit and achieve. Okay, I have to admit, I am one of those who very rarely follow up on my new year’s resolutions. I am tired of that, it is about time to change, and no change happens without taking action. Nothing begins until I take the first step.

I have already signed up for some piano lessons (by an app), I have a family trip with my parents to Thailand, and I also ordered a trip to Milano in March. And I am doing everyday meditation and rituals for personal development. Also, this blog post is also some proof that I actually manage to commit. Let’s just pray that I can keep this up as well, I like the thought of having an active and interesting blog.

Allora, here it is, my first post this year, and the first part of Bloganuary, see you soon!
